CLiC-it 2023 aims to have a broad technical program, thus invites the submission of original, unpublished papers in all aspects of Computational Linguistics and Natural Language Processing; furthermore, we also invite papers describing a challenge in the field, position papers, survey papers, and papers that describe a negative result.

Paper types and format

Papers can be either in English or Italian, with the abstract both in English and Italian.

  • Long papers must describe substantial, original, completed, and unpublished work. Wherever appropriate, concrete evaluation and analysis should be included. Long papers may consist of up to six (6) pages of content, plus unlimited pages of references and appendices. Final versions of long papers will be given one additional page of content (up to seven (7) pages), so that reviewers’ comments can be taken into account. Following CEUR specifications, the minimum length of the camera-ready version of a long paper is 25,000 characters, spaces and references included.

  • Short paper submissions must describe original and unpublished work. Please note that a short paper is not a shortened long paper. Instead, short papers should have a small, focused contribution – a point that can be made in a few pages with sufficient level of detail. Short papers may consist of up to three (3) pages of content, plus unlimited pages of references and appendices. Final versions of short papers will be given one additional page of content (up to four (4) pages), so that reviewers’ comments can be taken into account. Following CEUR specifications, the minimum length of the camera-ready version of a short paper is 17,500 characters, spaces and references included.

Both long and short papers must follow the CLiC-it two-column format, using the supplied official style files. We strongly recommend the use of LaTeX style files or Microsoft Word style files according to the following formats:

Please do not modify these style files, nor should you use templates designed for other conferences. Submissions that do not conform to the required styles, including paper size, margin width, and font size restrictions, will be rejected without review.

Research Communication Papers

CLiC-it 2023 favours a parallel submission policy for outstanding papers that have been submitted and accepted elsewhere in 2022 and 2023. If you are the author of a paper accepted at a major international CL conference or journal in 2022 or 2023, you can submit your work at CLiC-it 2023 in the form of a short research communication, within a dedicated session at the conference. Research communications will not be published in the proceedings, but are mostly intended to enforce dissemination of excellence in research within the Italian CL community. The papers submitted must be in scope for the CLiC-it 2023 conference. 

The authors of any paper that meets the above criteria are invited to submit a written (maximum) one-page document with the abstract of the original paper, the paper’s title, the paper’s authors, and a pointer to the original journal paper at the conference or journal Web site. 

Authors will be invited to present their papers at CLiC-it 2023 after a check that the paper satisfies the above listed criteria. As the papers have already been reviewed and published, they will not be reviewed again. In the case that an exceptionally high number of submissions is received, a selection will be made, also based on the original publication venue. Priority will be given to papers that better fit the conference program, offering a balance across the conference topics.


Submission is electronic, using the the OpenReview platform using the following link:

Reviewing will NOT be blind, so there is no need to remove author information from manuscripts.


  • July 20, 2023 July 31, 2023 at 10 AM CEST: paper submission (extended!)
  • September 29, 2023: notification to authors of reviewing outcome
  • October 20, 2023: camera ready version of accepted papers